Your guide to crystal-clear pool water all summer long !

Summer is here, and with it, the desire to fully enjoy your pool! But for enjoyable and safe swims, it's essential to maintain clean and crystal-clear water. In this article, you'll find all our tips to keep your pool impeccable throughout the summer season. 

1. Monitor Water Quality Regularly 

Regular monitoring of water quality is essential to prevent potential issues. 

  • Test the water at least once a week: Check pH, chlorine levels, and stabilizer levels. Test kits are readily available in stores or online. 
  • Adjust parameters if necessary: Use specific products to adjust pH, chlorine, or stabilizer levels as needed. 
  • Inspect the appearance of the water: Cloudy, greenish, or deposits could indicate a problem.

2. Clean the Pool Regularly 

Regular cleaning helps eliminate impurities and maintain clear water. 

  • Skim and clean the pool daily: Remove leaves, insects, and other floating debris with a skimmer and net.
  • Clean pool walls and floor: Use a robotic cleaner or manual brush to remove algae and dirt.
  • Rinse the filter regularly: The filter traps impurities, so it's important to rinse it regularly following the manufacturer's instructions. 

3. Adjust Water Treatment 

In summer, increased heat and pool usage require adjusted water treatment. 

  • Increase frequency of testing: Test the water more often, especially after heavy use or rain. 
  • Adjust disinfectant dosage: Use slightly more disinfectant, such as chlorine or bromine, to maintain effective bacteria control. 
  • Use shock treatment if necessary: For cloudy or greenish water, perform shock treatment to eliminate algae and bacteria.

4. Combat Algae

Algae are the nemesis of clear pool water.

  • Prevent algae growth: Maintain proper pH and chlorine levels, clean the pool regularly, and cover it when not in use.
  • Treat algae upon detection: Use an algicide suitable for the type of algae present.
  • Identify the source of the problem: If algae keep returning, there may be an issue with the filtration system or water quality.

5. Additional Tips for Perfect Water

  • Cover your pool when not in use: This helps reduce evaporation, algae growth, and contamination from outside debris. 
  • Rinse swimmers before entering the pool: This removes sunscreens, cosmetics, and other products that can pollute the water.
  • Shower after swimming: This removes residues of sunscreen, cosmetics, and sweat that can pollute the water. 

Remember: Clean and crystal-clear pool water is essential for enjoyable and safe swimming. 

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